TLSPYO in 5 minutes

(Note: You can do everything on a single machine by using ip_server=””)

On all your machines:

  • Install tlspyo (preferably using the same version of python everywhere):

pip install tlspyo

On your “server” machine:

  • If your other machines are not in the same network, route port 7776 to this machine.

  • Generate TLS credentials and broadcast your public certificate via TCP (port 7776 is used by default):

python -m tlspyo --generate --broadcast

On all your “client” machines:

  • Retrieve your public TLS certificate (via TCP, using port 7776 by default; please replace <server ip> by the ip of the “server” machine):

python -m tlspyo --retrieve --ip=<server ip>

On your “server” machine:

  • Close the TLS certificate broadcasting server (e.g., close the terminal).

  • Create a tlspyo Relay in a python script (adapt and execute this script):

from tlspyo import Relay
import time

if __name__=="__main__":

    my_relay = Relay(
         password="<password>",  # replace <password> by a strong password of your choice
    while True:

On your “client” machines:

  • Create a tlspyo Endpoint that sends and receive objects from a python script (adapt and execute this script):

from tlspyo import Endpoint
import time

if __name__=="__main__":

    free_port = 3002  # adapt this if you use several Endpoints on the same machine
    groups = ("<group1>", "<group2>", "<...>")  # use group names of your choice

    my_endpoint = Endpoint(
    ip_server='<ip server>', # replace <ip server> by the ip of your server machine
    password="<password>",  # same password as the Relay

    target_groups = ("<group1>", "<...>")  # replace by group names of your choice
    my_object = f"This object is for groups {target_groups}"

    my_endpoint.send_object(obj=my_object, destination=target_groups)

    while True:
        received_list = my_endpoint.receive_all(blocking=True)
        print(f"I am an Endpoint of groups {groups}, I received {received_list}")

On your chair:

  • Contemplatively watch your Endpoints transfer your python objects to each other via your Relay.